Install Zend Guard Loader

2016-10-28 14:56:12    tengfei    11115

Zsite encrypted template (which is purchased on Zsite official website) will need Zend Guard Loader to decrypt it. Zend Guard Loader only support PHP NTS in Windows, so you need to install PHP NTS and FastCGI to analyse PHP script .

Follow the steps to install Zend Guard Loader.

1. Download Zend Guard Loader at according to your own OS and PHP. If login is required, you can use this account [email protected] and the password is 123456.

2. Unzip and abstract or ZendLoader.dll (Windows). Upload it to your server and grant permissions to run it.

3. Add following codes to load Zend Guard Loader.

    For Linux and Mac OS X, use zend_extension = full path/
    For Windows (non-thread-safe), use  zend_extension = full path/ZendLoader.dll

4. Add zend_loader.enable = 1 to php.ini to enable  Zend Guard Loader.

5. If I oncube loader is applied, please make sure that you enable it before Zend Guard Loader. If you use Apache and cannot start Zsite, please disable apache and run Zsite again.

6.  Restart Web server. If you use php-fpm, restart php-fpm as well.

7. Print phpinfo(). If you can see the screenshot below, you have successfully installed Zend Guard Loader.

    How to print phpinfo(): creat a new php file in your website root directory, and the content is <?php phpinfo()?>. Use a browser to check this file to see PHP info.

Codes needed to be added to php.ini

    For Linux and Mac OS X


zend_extension="/usr/lib/php/modules/"  (replace it with your path of
    For Windows

zend_extension="c:/php/ZendLoader.dll"  (replace it with your path of ZendLoader.dll)
Now you have installed Zend Guard Loader. You can set up Zsite themes and Zsite Pro extensions.
