Admin and Privileges

2016-08-25 09:44:51    tengfei    10224

In security settings, you can manage admin account, privileges, and login log.

1. Go to "Settings"->"Security"->"Administrator", you will see the list of administrators. You can manage the list by editing the information of admins, add/delete/disable an admin.

Create an admin group.

Click "Add a group" , and name your group and describe it briefly. Click "Save".

2. Once the group is created, you can use "Privilege" to manage each admin's privileges, "Member" to add admins to the group and "Edit"/"Delete" them.

Click "Privilege", and you will see the page to set privileges. Check privileges you want to add to the admin, then the admin will have the checked privileges.

Click "Member", check the admin you want to add to the group. Once "Save"d, that admin will have the same privileges as the rest of the group.

In "Login log", it records details of each admin's operation. If anything abnormal, you can disable/modify that admin password.
