Filters and Blacklist/Whitelist

2016-08-25 09:44:51    tengfei    10425

Zsite 4.6+ has anti-malware feature now. You can do those settings at the backend, including filters, blacklists, and whitelists. It will help you fight against malware and spam.

1. Filter settings

IP and account filters. You can set limits to certain operations of an IP/account, such as "Login failed", "registration", "password retrieval", "password reset failed", "publish a topic", "write a comment", "reply a post", "POST requests", "search", "404 error", "verification code error", etc. The screenshot shows the default settings, and you can always adjust it according to your actual requirements.

2. Blacklist

    You can add an IP address, account, keyword, website, email address to your blacklist. Click "Add to blacklist" at the upper right of the page.

A window will pop out. Add IP/account/keywords and the reason, click "Save" to block it. Once added, it cannot publish any content on your website. The default removal time is in 5 minutes.

3. Whitelist

IP/account added to whitelist will not be blocked by filter/blacklist. If you want to add more to the whitelist, use a comma to separate them. You have to use your admin password to add it to a whitelist.
