China Open Source Conference 2017
- 2017-10-19 15:25:00
- Renee Original
- 6743
China Open Source Conference 2017
Shanghai, November 18-19
If you love open source, open source community, technical communication, and to share... here is a special event for you -- annual China open source meeting -- COSCon 2017. It is the first National Conference on the operations of technology community, open source community, open source project promotion.
Nuritzi Sanchez, GNOME chairwoman, Kylie Liang, director of FreeBSD, and Niclas Hedhman from ASF have been invited as keynote speakers. Besides, Kevin Huo, InfoQ founder& CEO, Wei Su, the director of Chinese Information Communication Research Institute and Secretary General of open source cloud computing industry alliance are also invited to make a keynote speech. Our founder, Chunsheng Wang, will also give a speech on How to Run an Open Source Company.
Conference Agenda
Day 1 Open Source Community
How is an international open source community operated?
How to do open source projects in China and to build an international community?
How to do something on Github?
How to run a technical community as a business entity in China?
Opening Speech
Prof. Dawu Gu
Chairman of Shanghai branch of China Computer Society
Opening Speech
Prof. Baohong He
Deputy director of Institute of technology and standards, Institute of information and communication technology of China, executive vice chairman of cloud computing open source industry alliance
Keynote Speech
How is an international open source community operated?
Nuritzi Sanchez
President & Board of Directors at GNOME Foundation
Keynote Speech
How is an international open source community operated?
Niclas Hedhman
ex-VP, Apache Polygene, Apache Software Foundation
Keynote Speech
How is an international open source community operated?
Kylie Liang
Board of Directors at FreeBSD Foundation
Keynote Speech
Thoughts on Local Open Source Community
From InfoQ to GeekFounders
霍泰稳( Kevin Huo)
Founder/CEO of GeekFounder and InfoQ
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
Keynote Speech
Global third party open source component analysis report 2016
Synopsys, Senior Architect for software quality and security
Keynote Speech
The Evolution of Homo Nerdis
Niclas Hedhman
Apache Foundation
Keynote Speech
How to Run an Open Source Company
王春生 Chunsheng Wang
Founder of Nature Easy Soft, developed ZenTao , Zsite, Zdoo and other open source software
Keynote Speech
On Upstream First Analysis
Technical Translator, author of The Dao of Open Source
Tea Break
Day 2 Get Involved In/Contribute to Open Source Projects
Project introduction, Framworks, Development Guide and Talent Hunt.
Test, Issue, Doc translation, and bug resolution.
Community manager/volunteer recruitment and training
Speeches and Speakers
We will keep you posted of the COSCon '17. Contact us if you want to know more and be part of it!

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Skype : | [email protected] |
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