chunge |
Welcome to
riccardotomada |
Hi Chunge,
First of all thank you for having created this software and for giving the option of downloading the open source version - personally amongst the best ALM open source softwares encountered so far! In any case, I am writing to you as I am now trying to understand the DB (MySQL) aspect of Zen Tao, and was wondering if it is possible and available to get a detailed manual/information about it. I have seen that in the help section of the website there is one-page dedicated to this part, however, if there is the possibility to have more details it would be of great help. For example, is it possibile to get an explanation of the structure of the tables; and specifically, is there a way to extract the time and date of the status of bugs? What I intend is, if a bug has been opened (status: Active) and the it is changed into status: Resolved and then into status: Closed how can I , through the DB (MySQL), obtain the relevant time and dates of the various statuses?
I please ask you to help me, if you can answer the raised questions but most of all if you have some sort of detailed manual. I thank you very much in advance,
Best Regards, Riccardo Tomada |
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