- 1 Install and upgrade
- 1.1 System Requirements
- 1.2 Source Code Installation
- 1.3 One-Click Installation for Windows
- 1.4 Zsite, ZenTao and Zdoo
- 1.5 Install Zsite with online scripts
- 1.6 Upgrade Zsite
- 1.7 Upgrade Zsite with online scripts
- 1.8 Zsite Themes
- 1.9 Decryption
- 2 About Zsite
- 3 How to use Zsite
- 3.1 Content
- 3.1.1 Article
- Article Category
- Publish an Article
- Edit, Delete and Attach
- 3.1.2 Page
- Zsite Page
- 3.1.3 Blog
- Zsite blog
- 3.1.4 Book
- Add a book
- Add chapters to a book
- Write articles for a chapter
- Book settings
- 3.1.5 Submission
- Submit an article
- 3.2 Mall
- 3.2.1 Orders and Settings
- 3.2.2 Product
- Product category
- Add a product: basic info
- Add a product: attributions
- Add a product: images
- 3.3 User
- 3.3.1 User Management
- User list
- 3.3.2 Comment
- Review and reply a comment
- 3.3.3 Forum
- Board settings
- Board moderator and descriptions
- Edit, delete, reply and stick a thread
- 3.4 SEO
- 3.4.1 Traffic Statistics
- 3.4.2 Keywords
- 3.4.3 Links
- 3.5 UI
- 3.5.1 Interface
- Theme
- Layout
- Appearance
- Code
- Source
- Mobile site
- 3.5.2 Logo
- Site logo
- Site favicon
- 3.5.3 Slides
- 3.5.4 Navigation
- 3.5.5 Widget
- Manage a widget
- Example: customized widget
- Example: use Widget to set the style
- 3.5.6 Visual Editor
- 3.5.7 Other Settings
- 3.5.8 Custom Themes
- 3.6 Ext
- 3.6.1 Extensions and Themes
- 3.6.2 Import JS
- 3.7 Set
- 3.7.1 Site
- Basic settings
- Language
- Path
- Domain settings
- CND settings
- Cache settings
- Homepage menu
- Full text retrieval
- Backup/Restore
- Agreement
- Static Settings
- 3.7.2 Company
- Company Information
- Contact
- 3.7.3 Points
- 3.7.4 API
- Email Setting
- OAuth
- 3.7.5 Security
- Basic settings
- Filters and Blacklist/Whitelist
- Sensitive words and attachment
- Verification Code
- Admin and Privileges
- 4 System Maintenance
- 4.1 Configure web server for URL
- 4.2 Backup Zsite
- 4.3 Install Zend Guard Loader
- 4.4 Install Ioncube
- 4.5 Install other PHP extensions
- 4.5.1 Install PHP-openssl
- 4.5.2 Install PHP-curl
- 4.5.3 Install PHP-json
- 4.5.4 Install PHP-mbstring
- 4.5.5 Install PHP-gd
- 4.5.6 Install PDO
- 5 Customization
- 5.1 Before you start
- 5.2 Zsite source code
- 5.3 Zsite directory structure
- 5.4 Find the code to modify
- 5.5 Database structure
- 6 Zsite Cloud
Database structure
- 2016-08-29 10:12:30
- tengfei
- 17975
- Last edited by Zeze on 2016-11-02 08:20:37
eps_address Address
id | id |
account | account |
contact | contact |
address | address |
phone | phone |
zipcode | zipcode |
lang | language |
eps_article Article
id | id |
title | title |
alias | alias |
keywords | keyword |
summary | summary |
content | content |
source | source |
copySite | copySite |
copyURL | copyURL |
author | author |
addedBy | addedBy |
editor | editor |
addedDate |
addedDate |
editedDate | editedDate |
status | statu |
type | type |
submittion | submission |
views | viewa |
sticky | sticky |
order | order |
link | link |
css | CSS |
js | JS |
onlyBody | onlyBody |
lang | language |
eps_blacklist blacklist
type | type |
identity | identity |
reason | reason |
expiredDate | expiredDate |
times | times |
lang | lang |
eps_block Block layout
id |
ID |
originID | originID |
template | template |
type | type |
title | titile |
content |
content |
lang | language |
eps_book Manual/Book
id |
ID |
title |
titile |
alias |
alias |
keywords |
keywords |
summary |
summary |
content |
type |
type |
parent |
parent |
path | path |
grade | grade |
author | author |
editor | editor |
addedDate | addedDate |
editedDate | editedDate |
views | views |
order |
order |
lang | language |
eps_cart Shopping cart
id | id |
account | account |
product | product |
count | count |
lang | lang |
eps_category category
id | id |
name | name |
abbr | abbr |
alias | alias |
desc | desc |
keywords | keywords |
parent | parent |
path | path |
grade | grade |
order | order |
type | type |
readonly | readonly |
moderators | moderators |
threads | threads |
posts | posts |
postedBy | postedBy |
postedDate | postedDate |
postID | postID |
replyID | replyID |
link | link |
unsaleable | unsaleable |
lang | lang |
eps_config config
id | id |
owner | owner |
module | module |
section | section |
key | key |
value | value |
lang | lang |
eps_down down
id | id |
account | account |
file | file |
ip | ip |
time | time |
referer | referer |
lang | lang |
eps_file attachment
id | Id |
pathname |
pathname |
title |
titile |
extension |
extension |
size |
size |
width | width |
height | height |
objectType | objectType |
objectID | objectID |
addedBy |
addedBy |
addedDate |
addedDate |
public |
public |
score |
score |
downloads | downloads |
extra | extra |
primary |
primary |
editor | editor |
lang | language |
eps_group Group
id |
ID |
name |
group nmae |
role | role |
desc |
group description |
lang | language |
eps_grouppriv grouppriv
group | group |
module | module |
method | method |
lang | language |
eps_layout layout
template | template |
plan | plan |
page | page |
region | region |
object | object |
blocks | blocks |
import | import |
lang | language |
eps_log log
id | id |
account | account |
browser | browser |
ip | ip |
location | location |
date | date |
desc | description |
ext | extension |
type | type |
lang | language |
eps_message Message
id |
ID |
type | type |
objectType | objectType |
objectID | objectID |
account | account |
from |
from |
to | to |
phone |
phone |
mobile |
mobile |
email |
date |
date |
content |
content |
link | link |
ip | ip |
status | status |
public | public |
readed |
read |
receiveEmail | receiveEmail |
lang | language |
eps_oauth oauth
account | account |
provider | provider |
openID | openID |
lang | language |
eps_operationlog operationlog
id | id |
type | type |
identity | identity |
operation | operation |
count | count |
createdTime | createdTime |
lang | language |
eps_order_product Orders
id | ID |
orderID | orderID |
productID | productID |
productName | productName |
price |
price |
count |
count |
lang | language |
eps_package Plug-ins
id |
ID |
name |
name |
code |
code |
version |
version |
author |
author |
desc | desccription |
license |
license |
type | type |
site |
site |
chanzhiCompatible | chanzhiCompatible |
templateCompatible | templateCompatible |
installedTime | installedTime |
depends |
depends |
dirs | dirs |
files | files |
status | status |
lang | language |
eps_product_custom Product
id |
ID |
product | product |
label | label |
value | value |
order |
order |
lang | language |
eps_relation relation
type | type |
id | id |
category | category |
lang | language |
eps_reply Reply
id |
Id |
thread | thread |
content |
content |
author |
author |
editor | editor |
addedDate |
addedDate |
editedDate | editedDate |
hidden | hidden |
lang | language |
eps_score Score/Reward Point
id | ID |
account |
account |
method |
method |
type |
type |
count |
count |
before |
before |
after |
after |
objectType | objectType |
objectID | objectID |
actor | actor |
note |
note |
time |
time |
lang | language |
eps_search_index Search
id | id |
objectType | objectType |
objectID | objectID |
title | title |
content | content |
params | params |
addedDate | addedDate |
editedDate | editedDate |
status | status |
lang | lang |
eps_slide Slide
id | id |
group | slide group |
title |
title |
titleColor |
titile color |
mainLink |
main link |
target |
target |
backgroundType | backgroundType |
backgroundColor | backgroundColor |
height |
height |
image |
image |
label |
lable |
buttonClass | buttonClass |
buttonUrl |
button Url |
buttonTarget | buttonTarget |
summary | summary |
createdDate | createdDate |
order | order |
lang | lang |
eps_statlog statlog
id | id |
referer | referer |
domain | domain |
url | url |
link | link |
searchEngine | searchEngine |
keywords | keywords |
visitor | visitor |
osName | osName |
browserName | browserName |
browserVersion | browserVersion |
ip | ip |
country | country |
province | province |
city | city |
account | account |
year | year |
month | month |
day | day |
hour | hour |
new | new |
mobile | mobile |
lang | language |
eps_statreferer statreferer
id | id |
url | url |
domain | domain |
searchEngine | searchEngine |
keywords | keywords |
lang | lang |
eps_statregion statregion
id | id |
timeType | timeType |
timeValue | timeValue |
country | country |
province | province |
city | city |
pv | pv |
uv | uv |
ip | ip |
lang | lang |
eps_statreport statreport
id | id |
type | type |
item | item |
extra | extra |
timeType | timeType |
timeValue | timeValue |
pv | pv |
uv | uv |
ip | ip |
lang | lang |
eps_statvisitor statvisitor
id | id |
osName | osName |
osVersion | osVersion |
browserName | browserName |
browserVersion | browserVersion |
browserLanguage | browserLanguage |
device | device |
resolution | resolution |
createdTime | createdTime |
lang | lang |
eps_tag Keyword
id | id |
tag | tag |
link | link |
rank |
rank |
lang | language |
eps_thread 主题
id | ID |
board |
board |
title |
tiltile |
color | color |
content |
content |
author |
author |
editor | editor |
addedDate | addedDate |
editedDate | editedDate |
readonly |
Read only |
views |
views |
stick |
stick |
replies |
replies |
repliedBy | repliedBy |
repliedDate | repliedDate |
replyID | replyID |
hidden | hidden |
link |
link |
lang | language |
status |
status |
ip | ip |
eps_user Member
id |
ID |
account |
account |
password |
password |
realname |
real name |
realnames | realnames |
nickname |
nickname |
admin |
admin |
avatar |
avatar |
birthday |
birthday |
gender |
gender |
email |
skype | skype |
yahoo |
yahoo |
gtalk | Gtalk |
wangwang |
wangwang |
site | site |
mobile |
mobile |
phone |
phone |
company |
compnay/organization |
address |
address |
zipcode |
zip code |
visits |
visits |
ip | IP |
last |
last login |
score |
reward point/score |
rank |
rank |
maxLogin | maxLogin |
fails | fails |
referer | referer |
join |
date of joining |
reset | reset |
locked | once looked, please try in %s |
public | public |
emailCertified | emailCertified |
security | security |
os | os |
browser | browser |
lang | language |
eps_usergroup usergroup
account | account |
group | group |
lang | lang |
eps_widget Widget
id | id |
account | account |
type | type |
title |
widget name |
params |
order | order |
grid | grid |
hidden |
hidden |
lang | language |
eps_wx_response wx
id | id |
public | public |
key | key |
group | group |
type | type |
source | source |
content | content |
lang | language |
Haier Vanke Skyworth China Mobile -
ZenTao ZDOO ZenTao Cloud -
GitHub SourceForge Dynamic Download -
Email: [email protected] Skype: [email protected]