1 Install and upgrade
1.1  System Requirements
1.2  Source Code Installation
1.3  One-Click Installation for Windows
1.4  Zsite, ZenTao and Zdoo
1.5  Install Zsite with online scripts
1.6  Upgrade Zsite
1.7  Upgrade Zsite with online scripts
1.8  Zsite Themes
1.9  Decryption
2 About Zsite
2.1  About Zsite
2.2  Marketing in the era of mobile internet
2.3  Zsite License
2.4  Zsite and ZenTao
3 How to use Zsite
3.1 Content
3.1.1 Article  Article Category  Publish an Article  Edit, Delete and Attach
3.1.2 Page  Zsite Page
3.1.3 Blog  Zsite blog
3.1.4 Book  Add a book  Add chapters to a book  Write articles for a chapter  Book settings
3.1.5 Submission  Submit an article
3.2 Mall
3.2.1  Orders and Settings
3.2.2 Product  Product category  Add a product: basic info  Add a product: attributions  Add a product: images
3.3 User
3.3.1 User Management  User list
3.3.2 Comment  Review and reply a comment
3.3.3 Forum  Board settings  Board moderator and descriptions  Edit, delete, reply and stick a thread
3.4 SEO
3.4.1  Traffic Statistics
3.4.2  Keywords
3.4.3  Links
3.5 UI
3.5.1 Interface  Theme  Layout  Appearance  Code  Source  Mobile site
3.5.2 Logo  Site logo  Site favicon
3.5.3  Slides
3.5.4  Navigation
3.5.5 Widget  Manage a widget  Example: customized widget  Example: use Widget to set the style
3.5.6  Visual Editor
3.5.7  Other Settings
3.5.8  Custom Themes
3.6 Ext
3.6.1  Extensions and Themes
3.6.2  Import JS
3.7 Set
3.7.1 Site  Basic settings  Language  Path  Domain settings  CND settings  Cache settings  Homepage menu  Full text retrieval  Backup/Restore  Agreement  Static Settings
3.7.2 Company  Company Information  Contact
3.7.3  Points
3.7.4 API  Email Setting OAuth  GitHub  Facebook
3.7.5 Security  Basic settings  Filters and Blacklist/Whitelist  Sensitive words and attachment  Verification Code  Admin and Privileges
4 System Maintenance
4.1  Configure web server for URL
4.2  Backup Zsite
4.3  Install Zend Guard Loader
4.4  Install Ioncube
4.5 Install other PHP extensions
4.5.1  Install PHP-openssl
4.5.2  Install PHP-curl
4.5.3  Install PHP-json
4.5.4  Install PHP-mbstring
4.5.5  Install PHP-gd
4.5.6  Install PDO
5 Customization
5.1  Before you start
5.2  Zsite source code
5.3  Zsite directory structure
5.4  Find the code to modify
5.5  Database structure
6 Zsite Cloud
6.1  Zsite License
6.2  Zsite versions
6.3  Resolve domain name to Zsite server
6.4  Why my site is locked?
6.5  How to backup my Zsite data?

Database structure

2016-08-29 10:12:30
Last edited by Zeze on 2016-11-02 08:20:37

eps_address  Address

id id
account account
contact contact
address address
phone phone
zipcode zipcode
lang language

eps_article Article

id id
title title
alias alias
keywords keyword
summary summary
content content
source source
copySite copySite
copyURL copyURL
author author
addedBy addedBy
editor editor
addedDate addedDate
editedDate editedDate
status statu
type type
submittion submission
views viewa
sticky sticky
order order
link link
css CSS
js JS
onlyBody onlyBody
lang language

eps_blacklist  blacklist

type type
identity identity
reason reason
expiredDate expiredDate
times times
lang lang

eps_block  Block layout

id ID
originID originID
template template
type type
title titile
content content
lang language

eps_book  Manual/Book

id ID
title titile
alias alias
keywords keywords
summary summary


type type
parent parent
path path
grade grade
author author
editor editor
addedDate addedDate
editedDate editedDate
views views
order order
lang language

eps_cart  Shopping cart

id id
account account
product product
count count
lang lang

eps_category  category

id id
name name
abbr abbr
alias alias
desc desc
keywords keywords
parent parent
path path
grade grade
order order
type type
readonly readonly
moderators moderators
threads threads
posts posts
postedBy postedBy
postedDate postedDate
postID postID
replyID replyID
link link
unsaleable unsaleable
lang lang

eps_config  config

id id
owner owner
module module
section section
key key
value value
lang lang

eps_down  down

id id
account account
file file
ip ip
time time
referer referer
lang lang

eps_file attachment

id Id
pathname pathname
title titile
extension extension
size size
width width
height height
objectType objectType
objectID objectID
addedBy addedBy
addedDate addedDate
public public
score score
downloads downloads
extra extra
primary primary
editor editor
lang language

eps_group  Group

id ID
name group nmae
role role
desc group description
lang language

eps_grouppriv  grouppriv

group group
module module
method method
lang language

eps_layout  layout

template template
plan plan
page page
region region
object object
blocks blocks
import import
lang language

eps_log  log

id id
account account
browser browser
ip ip
location location
date date
desc description
ext extension
type type
lang language

eps_message  Message

id ID
type type
objectType objectType
objectID objectID
account account
from from
to to
phone phone
mobile mobile
email email
qq QQ
date date
content content
link link
ip ip
status status
public public
readed read
receiveEmail receiveEmail
lang language

eps_oauth  oauth

account account
provider provider
openID openID
lang language

eps_operationlog  operationlog

id id
type type
identity identity
operation operation
count count
createdTime createdTime
lang language

eps_order_product  Orders

id ID
orderID orderID
productID productID
productName productName
price price
count count
lang language

eps_package Plug-ins

id ID
name name
code code
version version
author author
desc desccription
license license
type type
site site
chanzhiCompatible chanzhiCompatible
templateCompatible templateCompatible
installedTime installedTime
depends depends
dirs dirs
files files
status status
lang language

eps_product_custom  Product

id ID
product product
label label
value value
order order
lang language

eps_relation  relation

type type
id id
category category
lang language

eps_reply  Reply

id Id
thread thread
content content
author author
editor editor
addedDate addedDate
editedDate editedDate
hidden hidden
lang language

eps_score  Score/Reward Point

id ID
account account
method method
type type
count count
before before
after after
objectType objectType
objectID objectID
actor actor
note note
time time
lang language

eps_search_index  Search

id id
objectType objectType
objectID objectID
title title
content content
params params
addedDate addedDate
editedDate editedDate
status status
lang lang

eps_slide  Slide

id id
group slide group
title title
titleColor titile color
mainLink main link
target target
backgroundType backgroundType
backgroundColor backgroundColor
height height
image image
label lable
buttonClass buttonClass
buttonUrl button Url
buttonTarget buttonTarget
summary summary
createdDate createdDate
order order
lang lang

eps_statlog  statlog

id id
referer referer
domain domain
url url
link link
searchEngine searchEngine
keywords keywords
visitor visitor
osName osName
browserName browserName
browserVersion browserVersion
ip ip
country country
province province
city city
account account
year year
month month
day day
hour hour
new new
mobile mobile
lang language

eps_statreferer  statreferer

id id
url url
domain domain
searchEngine searchEngine
keywords keywords
lang lang

eps_statregion  statregion

id id
timeType timeType
timeValue timeValue
country country
province province
city city
pv pv
uv uv
ip ip
lang lang

eps_statreport  statreport

id id
type type
item item
extra extra
timeType timeType
timeValue timeValue
pv pv
uv uv
ip ip
lang lang

eps_statvisitor  statvisitor

id id
osName osName
osVersion osVersion
browserName browserName
browserVersion browserVersion
browserLanguage browserLanguage
device device
resolution resolution
createdTime createdTime
lang lang

eps_tag  Keyword

id id
tag tag
link link
rank rank
lang language

eps_thread  主题

id ID
board board
title tiltile
color color
content content
author author
editor editor
addedDate addedDate
editedDate editedDate
readonly Read only
views views
stick stick
replies replies
repliedBy repliedBy
repliedDate repliedDate
replyID replyID
hidden hidden
link link
lang language
status status
ip ip

eps_user  Member

id ID
account account
password password
realname real name
realnames realnames
nickname nickname
admin admin
avatar avatar
birthday birthday
gender gender
email email
skype skype
qq QQ
yahoo yahoo
gtalk Gtalk
wangwang wangwang
site site
mobile mobile
phone phone
company compnay/organization


zipcode zip code
visits visits
ip IP
last last login
score reward point/score
rank rank
maxLogin maxLogin
fails fails
referer referer
join date of joining
reset reset
locked once looked,  please try in %s
public public
emailCertified emailCertified
security security
os os
browser browser
lang language

eps_usergroup  usergroup

account account
group group
lang lang

eps_widget  Widget

id id
account account
type type
title widget name
order order
grid grid
hidden hidden
lang language

eps_wx_response  wx

id id
public public
key key
group group
type type
source source
content content
lang language